Sunday, April 1, 2012


The LWVNV -- has been and will continue to advocate for transparent campaign practices including money in elections and for improved public education which meets the needs of the 21st Century. The need to reform Nevada taxing practices which follows 19th Century practices is a key piece of our 2012-2013 strategy. Improving the quality of life in our communities is the linchpin to all of our positions and grassroots efforts.
LWVLVV completed an education study and a study on the role of privatization
Sam King LWVNV Grassroots Lobbyist

League Position on the Federal Role in Public Education (NEW)
The LWVUS now has a position on the Federal Role in Public Education! The LWVUS Board approved a new Education position at its March 2012 meeting. The position is based on responses received from the 377 Leagues across the country that participated in the Education Study. The position states that “the League of Women Voters believes that the federal government shares with other levels of government the responsibility to provide an equitable, quality public education for all children pre-K through grade 12. A quality public education is essential for a strong, viable and sustainable democratic society and is a civil right.” Thanks to the many local and state Leagues and ILOs that held meetings, involved their communities, and worked to reach consensus on this critical issue of importance to all Americans.

The League is taking a strong stand on money in politics. Support for DISCLOSE, petitioning the White House for a response on the FEC and demanding elected officials let the sun shine in at all levels of government is a good start. The LWVUS Board created a Campaign Finance Task Force.

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