Monday, January 30, 2012

Lobbyist Message

Government Relations

My love of history helps me when I am trying to make sense of some of the things which keep recurring in Nevada state and local politics and within national and sister state political actions. While the League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization, the present climate puts some baggage on the word political and on any organization which is political. To mitigate the negatives surrounding political organizations, the League continues to focus upon issues and to balance our mission and the existing political framework and the process which is entrenched in our democratic - representative government. James Madison warned about partisan fallout. Little could he imagine the political climate of 21st Century America. Not since the Civil War has the nation exploded into such defined camps.

Campaign 2012 is in full swing with caucuses and primaries nation-wide taking place setting the stage for election 2012. On Meet the Press , Sunday January 29, 2012, Senator McCain spoke to the issues and problems of money in elections. We hear that the presidential election will involve billions of dollars. Campaign Fiance Reform is a league initiative. Transparency is key however the magnitude of the money in campaigns is mind boggling given that Nevada's entire state budget would probably not sustain a national presidential election. Those in power and those who want political access are not often receptive to limiting their ability to invest in campaigns.

The League advocacy program during the interim will focus on issues, follow our program and mission, listen , read , study, learn and build active effective coalitions to enhance our voice so that we can support and work for policy which makes sense, is as fair as possible, implemented as intended with the least legislation so as to make the rules clear. The balance between freedom and effective government is never simple.

Focus issues continue to be elections with a watchful eye on the movement circling around voter ID's, fraud and free elections

The economy can not be avoided in any policy since the economy impacts individuals and government. Private / public balance has not been achieved and is often polarizing in this political climate. Good governance is always a goal and hopefully part of the process of developing, creating and finally defining and enacting policy will help improve the economic climate including preservation and investment in energy and environmental realms

David McGraph Schwartz addressed the " Idea of Annual Sessions ' in the Sunday Las Vegas Sun .There is a study during the interim which is once again exploring annual sessions in Nevada The study will review fiscal and operational impact.

The initiative / referendum process seems to be one way to address policy change such as tax reform in Nevada.

Tax reform will be a focus in 2012. The number of studies supporting tax reform are numerous and historic. It is the political will to so which stands as a barrier to new tax policy.

There is often discussion of separation of powers in government when making a political point. The idea of separation of powers and checks and balances are fundamental to our state government. However there may be some gray areas in the process. Regarding the Nevada redistricting process, there was an example of avoiding separation of powers. Redistricting is a legislative responsibility abdicated by our 2011 legislature and reassigned to the judicial branch. The judicial branch also weighed in the 2012-2012 shared executive / legislative power over the state budget. Looking at annual sessions and the idea of checks and balances, with the present biennial system, Nevada has questionable practice and imbalance since when the legislature is not in session, by default, the governor has more power given that he works annually. There are also some questions of legislative action via interim committees since the legislature is technically adjourned.

Regarding social services the idea of health care and Health Care Reform will be heard before the United States Supreme Court.

Humanitarian issues have League support including civil rights issues offers the League of Women Voters the opportunity of collaboration. There is the opportunity for the League to change policy concerning the Nevada death penalty. The League was asked to partner with the Nevada Coalition against the Death Penalty.

As we continue to develop our legislative program, we will work within league positions and continue gathering as much information and informed intelligence as possible to remain a non-partisan political organization with a reputation of integrity.


Sam King, LWVNV Director of Grassroots Mobilization

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