Thursday, December 1, 2011


Advocacy Report.
As a political junky, I have studied political arenas and issues the majority of my adult life and find that while our 21st century technology has impacted the campaign process and marketing of the candidates, elections remain fueled by money and a candidate’s words and actions. The League of Women Voters believes that transparency is the best protection for fair open elections. Campaign Finance Reform which mandates transparency is the linchpin to protecting the election process and protecting the citizens’ right to know and to facilitate citizen participation in decision-making.
The League of Women Voters of Nevada believes Nevada has not maximized nor stabilized its tax base to adequately support state programs including public education. Nevada Tax reform is long overdue. The League of Women Voters supports action to reform the Nevada tax structure so that it is a tax system which is balanced, fair, and non regressive and adequate and has a sound economic impact. Reforms should ensure a tax system which is:
1. Balanced and diversified
2. Supports environmental protections, a basic level of health and human services, and quality education K-20
3. Maximizes federal funds
4. Structures in budget reserves
5. Allocates appropriate funds for actions requiring local government action
6. Reviews revenue collection
7. Reviews special tax exemptions as to their relevance
8. Provides internal/external audits
9. Reviews internet tax structure to determine impact on Nevada based business
10. Review sales tax as to possible expansions or retractions
The League support s the Environmental Protection Act .A healthy community is dependent upon a healthy environment. The League of Women Voters supports sensible water policy. Sensible water projects should be environmentally sound given that much of Nevada is a desert.
The League of Women Voters has long participated in studying the health care system within our state. We are reviewing the reforms to health care.
The best protection we have to ensuring that we improve our quality of life is to make informed decisions and to voice our concerns and to vote.
Sam King

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