Thursday, December 1, 2011


The League of Women Voters Las Vegas Valley Education Committee meets monthly at 8:30 am prior to our program at the Main Street Social Club, the third Saturday of the month, September through April. Please come and join us for our meetings.
Public Education is at a crossroads as we face uncharted economic times, a fast-paced information hungry global society and a shifting perhaps even a polarization of the responsibility and defined mission of public education. Much is reported and supports that educationally the United States is a nation at –risk. There are fewer students who perform well on assessments and fewer that graduate from high school. Many young people are finding their way into the juvenile justice system and graduating into the prison system. As a state, Nevada’s young people mirror the national picture.
What has been suggested is that public education must be reformed or perhaps it should be out-sourced or privatized. There is debate as to what the federal government is responsible for in terms of public education. What we have is data to support there is a problem while in terms of how to reform the system the jury is out.
Constitutionally, education is a state responsibility, although there is a movement to have national standards and a history of federal support.
Fiscally, states are facing funding shortfalls and federal support comes with guidelines.
Equal access is based upon civil rights issues including racial and ethnic balance and meeting the threshold of needs for those with disabilities.
Accountability is required but in terms of clarity and in respect to legislation such as the No Child Left Behind Act – there is work to be done to translate accountability into achievement and accurate measurement of student learning and success.
Learning is a process which requires transition and lifelong support that is impacted by environmental problems such as health issues, poverty, gangs and family disruptions. There are support agencies however no playbook as to the role and responsibility of the public education system to address external environmental issues or health considerations. Efforts have been made to develop partnerships at the state and local levels – preschool programs, all-day kindergarten, curriculum and counselors to instruct in life skills, strategies and prevention programs, parenting classes, gang prevention, after school activities, vocational and career training. All are good support strategies. Nevertheless with limited resources how do we provide access? Where do these fit in with public education and accountability?
The League of Women Voters studies, researches and looks for consensus when advocating and looking at issues. Then we look for policy change. One long time argument with public education in Nevada is that Nevada underfunds it. As part of our Education Committee work we will perform to the best of our ability due diligence and local research. We are looking at the Clark County School District budget, audit and bond oversight operations. We are looking at new reforms as they emerge. During the 2011 Legislative Session reform practices where structured in law including a re-structuring of the State Board of Education. The committee will review the state regulations and their impact.
Education is the linchpin to our future.
Sam King Education Committee Chair

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