Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Greetings ,

The end of summer and the beginning of Fall highlights that while seasons rotate, the League of Woman Voters of Nevada maintains a steady course continuing our mission based upon study and our positions monitoring Elections, Education, the Environment the Economy and the responsibility of a representative democratic government to ensure that social services including healthcare are part of any government grand bargain. We are committed to improving the quality of life of our communities through grassroots organization.

The League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley is conducting a study on the role of the federal government relative to pubic education
The League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley is part of the legal process abdicated by the Nevada Legislature to Redistrict every ten years as defined in the United States Constitution and the Nevada Constitution,however now in the hands of three grand masters and Judge Russell.
The League of Women Voters of Nevada through local league organization and individual members register voters to give voice to our citizens
The League of Women Voters of Nevada reviews policy impacting the economy and government services.
The League of Women Voters of Nevada reviews policy impacting our environment.

While Nevada operates on an archaic biennial legislative system and an interim process of committees, the League of Women Voters continues to invoke the core of our democratic representative government by the people continuously season after season .

Sam King LWVNV Grassroots Lobbyist.

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