Sunday, September 18, 2011


Subject: Public Education- reform or dismantling

The LWVLVV began the 2011-2012 year with our September Program looking at public education. Our quest panel - Erin Craner, Carolyn Edwards, Senator Woodhouse, Assemblywoman Dondero- Lupe, and Assemblyman Aizley gave a round table presentation. As a follow-up to the panels's information, I would suggest that members read today's, RJ, Viewpoints - How Much do we spend to educate our kids ? by Geoffrey Lawrence 9/18/2011. Mr. Lawrence brings up funding issues that should be reviewed, however his direction would be to move public education toward greater private sector involvement. I would caution that due caution to this solution. The LVWLVV is currently participating in a LWVUS study on public education. Education is the linchpin to a democratic system of governance and improving our quality of life. The answer to and how education reform play out will prove to be challenging to say the least and as political as economic reform


Sam King

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