Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SUPRME COURT DECISIONS Our system of government is based upon checks and balances. This week our third branch of government's highest court, the United States Supreme Court, has and will deliver decisions which are landmark. The constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act is set for a decision this week. On Monday, the Supreme Court: Struck down, in a 5-3 vote, the Arizona Immigration law. Iimmigration is a contentious political issue. Governor Sandoval stated that there is no need for an 'immigration law ' in Nevada-- nevertheless immigration law is in need of reform on a federal level. In a "narrowly divided ' 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the landmark 'Citizens United 2010 decision which allows a " free- speech right of companies and unions to donate unlimited amounts of money for and against candidates with little as to framing transparency". This decision is a blow to campaign finance reform and transparency in campaign finance. In an ideological split decision 5-4 the Supreme Court decision said that federal judges and juries could allow consideration of a juvenile's age when sentences for some of the harshest crimes -- state judges could sentence a juvenile to life without parole, however federal laws cannot automatically impose a life without parole sentence.

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