Saturday, October 29, 2011


The League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley exercised its responsibility to study current issues and recently conducted a study on the role of the Federal government in public education.

Public education is in the center of the perfect storm. Locally and nationally, public education is deemed failing as it presently exists and operates. Perhaps rather than failing, public education has simply not moved into or kept up with the 21st century the way it should.The United States, once the envy of the free world in terms of public education, is now a nation at -risk. The global economic crisis has added to the seriousness backing the reality that to once again become competitive in the 21st Century, we must educate our young people and provide continuing education - life-long learning- for all . Somehow we must build and revive our public educational system in order to truly reform it. Quality education is the linchpin to improving the economy which will improve quality of life and our bottom line.

Herein lies the dilemma. Reform is the buzz word. Accountability is the goal. No Child Left Behind is a barrier. Core standards must become the norm .Students are failing because of the environmental challenges which impede their ability to attend school, learn and succeed. Health care and mental health issues hinder learning. We have many students for whom the English language is a challenge. Teacher unions have become a barrier. Well, all of the above must be addressed, however are they part of education reform? Recognition of the barriers and truly improving public education are related but are they part of education reform and providing a solution as to what exactly must be done to meet our goal to provide that our community and our nation have literate educated citizens. Teachers have been targeted when they should be supported and provided tools to improve in their profession rather than becoming political pawns to balance the bottom line in state budget shortfalls

The fact that teachers have become a target in the politics and economic budget troubles of our state troubles me. The attempts to curb collective bargaining is unwise. If I hear shared sacrifice one more time I will not be responsible for my reaction. Shared economic sacrifice in CCSD is not overtly obvious when the district is hiring consultants and financing studies while to what agenda; in the name of what reform is unclear. Let me make one thing perfectly clear, no one supports encouraging individuals to remain in the teaching profession or in the role of administrator if they're not up to the job. However, the substitution of findings is not reform nor is technology a substitution for good qualified teachers in the classroom. I attended the CCSD Community Linkage Meeting held at Valley High School. The consultants reports and studies and new system of organization for CCSD is not something that eases my concerns. I attended the last CCSD School Board Meeting and listening to support staff's public comments was proof that school district climate is not good.

So what do we do with the studies,reports and data which is available ? This is the next step and I am not quite sure what that next step is.

Sam King, Grassroots Lobbyist LWVNV
3868 Erva Street Las Vegas NV

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