Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Hello Members of the LWVNV

We have been invited to attend the event.


Sam King, Grassroots Lobbyist

On Aug 22, 2011, at 7:46 PM, joanne.goodwin@unlv.edu wrote:

Dear Friends, I am writing to let you know about a remarkable and free opportunity that will come to us on September 1 from 5:30-7pm at the UNLV, Greenspun Hall Auditorium.
Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Dr. Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, & Dr. Joanne Goodwin, Assoc Prof History, UNLV & Director of the Women's Research Institute of Nevada will be discussing the topic "Shattering the Glass Ceiling: advancing the role of women in government nationally and locally." Each will speak for about 10 minutes and then the audience will have an opportunity to ask questions.
Congresswoman Berkeley has served Nevada's First Congressional District since 1999 and is currently in her seventh term in the U.S. House of Representatives. She sits on the powerful Ways and Means Committee and the subcommittee on social security. Among the many constituencies she serves, she is also a member of the Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues.
Dr. Esther Brimmer has served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations since April 2009. Her mission in that position is to advance US interests through international organizations in areas of human rights, peacekeeping, food security, humanitarian relief and climate change.
Dr. Joanne Goodwin is the founding director of the Women's Research Institute of Nevada -- a 12-year old research institute housed in the College of Liberal Arts. Among the institute's many activities have been: reports on the Status of Women in Nevada, partnering with the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University to build a civic-engagement and leadership training program for undergraduate college women, and building historical resources on women's involvement in the development of southern Nevada.
Please join us and bring a friend.
For more information, call 895-3401 or contact wrin@unlv.edu.
Joanne L. Goodwin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, History
Director, Women's Research Institute of Nevada
Gender and the Politics of Welfare Reform

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