Friday, July 29, 2011


Did you hear the breaking news yesterday?

The New York Times reported on a debt ceiling deal that would make deep cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security benefits without asking for an ounce of sacrifice from corporations and millionaires.

The bill would add millions to the unemployment rolls and deny medical care to the most vulnerable among us - including many of the people SEIU members care for on a daily basis.

It's up to us to stop this bill. You should make an emergency call to your member of Congress RIGHT NOW and tell them to stand strong against these cuts. Use this phone number:


Together we can stop this bill with enough grassroots participation. Today, dozens of member-driven groups are pushing calls to Congress encouraging their representatives to stand strong against these outrageous cuts.

Please make the call, and we'll keep you up-to-date on what we're hearing in our conversations about the debt deal.

In solidarity,

Mary Kay Henry
President, SEIU

P.S. After you've made the call, please report what your Member of Congress said at this link:

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