Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Dear Sam,

This week, the U.S. Senate will consider legislation to block safeguards that protect the health of children and families in Nevada and across the country. S.J. Res. 27 eliminates the Cross-State Air Pollution rule which limits the smog and soot-forming particles from other states.

Tell Senators Harry Reid & Dean Heller to oppose this attack on public health. Show your support for protecting the air we breathe.

The Cross-State Air Pollution rule will save up to 34,000 lives and avoid 400,000 asthma attacks, 15,000 heart attacks, and 1.8 million missed days at school or work.

By introducing S.J. Res. 27, Senator Paul showed that he favors special interest polluters over the public’s health and children with asthma. His proposal would risk thousands of lives and prevent the EPA from ever enforcing commonsense regulations on pollution from other states in the future.

Ask Nevada’s Senators to oppose this dangerous attack on public health. Send your message now!

Thank you,

Scot Rutledge
Executive Director
Nevada Conservation Lea